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2021: Cooperativa Annona
2022: Cooperativa Annona
2023: Cooperativa Annona


2020: Instituto Mahle, Cloverleaf Foundation, Evidenz, Stiftung Freie GBK
2021: Instituto Mahle, Cloverleaf Foundation, E
videnz, Stiftung Freie GBK
2022: Instituto Mahle, Cloverleaf Foundation, Acácia Fdt., Stiftung Freie GBK
2023: Instituto Mahle, Stiftung
Freie GBK


2020: Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário de Itápolis
2021: Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário de Itápolis
2022: Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário de Itápolis
2023: Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário de Itápolis


Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento:
2020: GLS Treuhand Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
2022: Instituto Paripassu


Acesso à Terra do Sítio-Escola ART:
2020: Martin Strempfer
2021: Martin Strempfer
2022: Martin Strempfer
2023: Martin Strempfer

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